Training Courses

We prepare you to interact confidently and effectively with very senior individuals, including in formal and structured situations.

Protocol Foundation & VIP Management Training -
1 Day Program

In coordination with us, V I P & Protocol Events Management Institution, the Protocol School Of Washington will conduct a private training on the area of “Business Etiquette & Professionalism”, a full-day program.

Training Objectives

In coordination with us, V I P & Protocol Events Management Institution, the Protocol School Of Washington will conduct a private training on the area of “Business Etiquette & Professionalism”, a full-day program (or two half days )

The training will prepare the participants to effectively and confidently:

  • Represent their organizations as a highly credentialed protocol professionals during events.
  • Develop their interpersonal skills such as: active listening, teamwork, communicate effectively and how to deal with work environment.
  • Be confident when being interview by having the knowledge in business etiquette skills and apply it on work interviews


Based on the training requirements presented, the Protocol School Of Washington proposes “Business Etiquette & Professionalism” program to be One Day in length (or two-half days).

The program will be conducted in a balanced approach with focus on the participants’ learning requirements and within a positive learning environment.

Facilitators training materials will be professionally created in English and will have a balance of text, diagrams, illustrations and examples relevant to the workshop. The delivery dates of the below training program will be agreed upon.

The area/topics that will be covered in the program are:

DAY 1 (9:00 am- 3 pm)

  • Professionalism at Work– Training young professionals on how to act or behave appropriately. How to deal with work environment such as: communicating with colleagues from different culture, to give respect and obey authority and seniority at workplace, to remove unrelated behavior in work area, to interfere in a meeting politely for urgent matters and lastly, how to manage personal from professional issues.
  • Introductions and Making Small Talks – Introducing yourself properly will give you the 1 st impression with correct greetings and remarks will lead you to good work relation and, how create connections to the guest by asking appropriate question with the right tone of voice.
  • Personal Diplomacy – In first meeting candidates should learn the proper gestures, like body language, eye contact, listening skills and handshaking and making relevant small talks with guests and dignitaries.
  • Professional Image & Business Attire – Having the proper attire on different occasions like Business or Gathering dressing up always say something on your personality. Always build the right and positive impression in order to make good first impression to the Company and Government.
  • Business Card Protocol – A great way to remember names, business partner and corporation. And it’s a visual connection part of business.
  • E-Etiquette – Candidates must learn the proper ways to make a business email. From the greetings to the closing remarks, from inquiry, and set expectation.

Art of International Protocol & V I P Management Training

We prepare you to interact confidently and effectively with high positioned individuals weather in formal, colloquial or in complex situations.

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